Welcome to LAF Tech

 We’re still able to offer our full-range of services via Zoom for your convenience and safety, but for those of you eager to meet face-2-face, we’re ready and excited to connect! We’re happy to travel to your office, or a meeting place that fits your needs. Contact us today, and we’ll figure out what’s best!

We’re glad you’re here!

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you watch your favorite speaker, event presenter or entertainer and think to yourself, “I wish I could do that?” Well guess what, you can! LAF Tech, which stands for “Learn About Funny Techniques,” exists to show you how.

If you aren’t leveraging humor in a powerful and effective way during any form of speaking opportunity you’re faced with each day, you need us. Engagement training is our specialty!

LAF Tech isn’t just for business owners or entrepreneurs, it’s applicable to any person who wants to become a better communicator by being heard, and most important – remembered.

Our Mission is a simple one: Funny is hard, but we’ve cracked the code to help make our Six Methods of Humor™ accessible to everyone who wants to become a better, funnier and more engaged speaker or presenter.

What is this LAF Tech thing, anyway? It stands for “Learn About Funny” Techniques!

Why Waste Time!? Set up an appointment to talk or meet right now! We wouldn't blame you one bit!

We completely understand that you may not need to read through our extremely effective website. (*sarcasm tone noted) If you would like to setup a time to chat face-2-face, on Zoom, or an old-school phone call, please click the Calendly logo and we’ll connect with you soon! 

What We Do.

It’s a well-known fact that people buy from salespeople they like, socialize, remember and continue to interact with those that use humor and make them laugh. With so much negativity in the media and around us every day, we work hard to provide a fun, safe environment where anyone can learn how to skillfully use methods of humor to improve their personal lives and careers. Whether you’re a presenter, an entrepreneur, or just giving an event toast – say it with humor!

Why We Do It.

There are so many people out there that struggle to be heard, seen, and acknowledged. We’re all born the same; innocent, pure, happy and funny. At some point in our lives, whether by way of environment, societal pressure or the workplace, we lose ourselves. Our Workshops help anyone uncover and rediscover their own mix of humor. Laughter has so many hidden benefits such as confidence and pride as well; which quickly reveal themselves when students dedicate themselves to our curriculum.

Why You Should Do It

In just over 8 years, we’ve helped over 600+ people learn all or portions of our Six Methods of Humor™ that we train from. All of our programs are engaging, challenging, educational, fun, spirited and the support from one another is unmatched. You’ll experience a wide-range of tailored improvisational exercises, method-specific education, direct coaching, and multiple speaking opportunities in front of your supporting group. In some cases, there are project assignments that carry over week-to-week.

Meet the Founders of LAF Tech

Marcelle Allen, Co-Founder

Marcelle, is a professional collaborator. She works with authors, artists and achievers as a Social Media trainer. Marcelle helps clients with marketing, advertising and is the creative force behind her consulting agency, Dreamosity. She knows that to succeed online, you can’t be remarkable just once, and you definitely can’t be boring.

Marcelle’s journey when developing LAF Tech included her need to find and embrace humor and comedy amidst grief and tragedy. When she found Brian on a Toastmaster stage, he became an immediate source of much-needed laughter and comedic relief. Once they joined in a work-environment partnership, LAF Tech was the inevitable result. Plus, she’s sorta’ bossy and he‘s afraid of her.

Famous for leading with quotes like, “Humor heals,” she knows the truth behind those words and chooses to laugh and find the joy in others, versus the alternatives. She’s curious, supportive, encouraging, and a techie by nature. Marcelle believes that every individual could benefit from learning and leveraging ‘yes and’ techniques in their journey.

She’s committed to showcasing the remarkable benefits and strategies of how humor can help all of us, and while she’s incredibly modest about this – she’s a dynamic and engaging speaker and trainer as well!

Brian Trendler, Founder

There’s no PHD or degree for being a Laughter Coach, but if there was, Brian’s earned it. Brian learned early on that people react more positively to humor-based situations than the alternative. This realization is especially applicable with today’s youth due to physical or cyber-bullying, and the glaringly obvious lack of confidence-building workshops in our school systems.

With grown ups; “adulting” is hard enough! Brian found most corporate job experiences to be unsupportive, depressing, demanding and stressful. With a previous jobs ranging from Tech sales, Microsoft, Boeing, AT&T and others, Brian realized that he’d become “un-hirable” and knew he’d have to create his own career.

LAF Tech allows him to train and inspire speakers of all levels to uncover their paralyzing fears, find their own mix of funny, and achieve truly remarkable results! Brian has also become a highly sought-after Auctioneer & Emcee in the Pacific Northwest.

With LAF Tech, he and co-founder, Marcelle Allen, have created a much-needed bridge between the “lack of access” of humor-based methods to applying them in real life situations. Both are facilitators and trainers at both LAF Tech DYM Workshops, as well as the larger-scale Corporate Trainings. His quick-wit, charm, and command of any stage makes him an experience to watch, and a fantastic person to learn from.

Commonly Asked Questions
About Our Programs

Do I have to attend all Workshops, all the time?
Attendance at our weekly Mini Workshops isn’t actually required week-to-week. We’ve designed our “Six Methods of Humor™” curriculum specifically to be a valuable take away even if you drop in on occasion during the duration of the 101 or 201 series sessions. With this being said, those who dedicate themselves to the entire series, benefit most and quickly see substantial growth and confidence with their humor-based speaking skills!
What sort of environment can I expect at events?

Great question. While currently virtual – normally our LAF Tech Mini Workshops held at a venue in Mill Creek and is limited to 10-15 attendees. Our Corporate-level offerings are tailored specifically for between 10-25, depending on the needs of the client. During all of our workshops or trainings, we’re proud to create fun, supportive and safe atmospheres to make mistakes, laugh, grow and really get out of one’s comfort zone! Corporate Mini Workshops tend to reflect the business industry, of course, but we do our best to create the same atmosphere or we’ll suggest a different location so attendees feel safe to explore their humor mix!

What if I'm a beginning-level speaker? Can I be part of LAF Tech Workshops or events?
OMGoodness yes! You are, by definition, one of our ideal clients! We train and inspire every level of speaker; from the wallflower novice who’s scared to even be at an event, to the polished professional speaker who travels the world – but realizes they’re boring and may need help “upping their game!” Our methods, exercises and curriculum are all geared toward helping any level of experience speaker find inspiration!
I don't consider myself a speaker. Why should I care about LAF Tech?

This is one of our favorite questions. Are you a entrepreneur? Are you a business owner, an employee, or someone who just wants to find their voice? We’re all “speakers” every day, whether on the phone conversing, face to face, or one to many in presentation environments. We can help any person develop a better 45-second verbal business card, a huge presentation, or even help with basic conversational skills through exercises like “Curve Ball” and more! Better communication equals more success in whatever you do!

What Our Customers Have to Say

“Even with over 2-decades of public speaking experience, I’m still learning more at every LAF Tech Mini Workshop I attend. I love that the group is kept small, so that everyone has a chance to test out the new techniques, and the atmosphere is super supportive. Come join us — it’s a blast!” Katie Munoz

Moving Forward, Inc.

“LAF TECH is THE next step in learning to communicate effectively. Do you want to create more interest in what you are saying? Do you want to create more engagement with your topic? Would you like to create an evil empire that spans the galaxy? YOU CAN! And LAF TECH will help you do it, or at least the first two.” Jean-Paul Holcomb

Bayside Specialties, Inc

“Love these workshops! They are so much fun and I get a lot of tools to keep my audience engaged and excited when I speak. Thank you LAF Tech!” Catherine M. White

Accelerated Results 265

“If people tell you you’re too serious, you need to come to LAF Tech! I always thought being witty and funny were like having big feet, either you had them or you didn’t. LAF Tech helped me discover that everyone has the power to be funny. Yes, even the most serious person can discover their hidden sense of humor! Take it from me, life is too serious and it’s better if you laugh!” Maryanne Heinbaugh


“The curriculum is effective, the atmosphere is warm, Brian & Marcelle rock, and it’s SO MUCH FUN! This course will not only bring out the funny in ANYONE, it will make your business or personal interactions more interesting, engaging, & memorable.” Steve Beaumont

Enagic International

Current Events, Workshops and more!




For more information about our Comedy Shows, Click here.

Guess what? We really, really want to hear from you.

We absolutely are happier than a 5-year old in a roomful of kittens that you’ve landed here. We’d love to connect and answer questions you may have, or discuss which one of our LAF Tech programs are best for your business.

However, we also super love our weekends. So, if you reach out on a Friday or the weekend, please allow us our quality and/or family time. We’ll respond the following Monday! Thank you again for connecting with LAF Tech. We look forward to LAF’ing with you!