Make Time with us, on Your Schedule.

What if you could work with LAF Tech Engagement Coaches when you wanted to!? Stop missing events due to your busy life!
Work on what you need to focus on right now! Let us guide and support you while making it fun and educational too!
We get it. After being conditioned for close to 3 years to stay inside, not go to places and events; it created a whole new “normal.” that’s hard to break free from.
Now, with so much beginning to open back up, many are finding it HARD to schedule and attend all of the events that they want to be part of, right? Not to mention those who are working on their own skillsets, want to learn new ones, just need to laugh, have fun and get support, but still don’t have time to do so.
We’ve received feedback from many who WANT to be part of all that we do but just haven’t been able to make it happen due to all of this.
Well, we listened, and we came up with a really great idea! Now you can gain access to what LAF Tech has to offer – but on your schedule. Utilize us as you see fit!
Welcome to LAF Craft! Your monthly support program built around your schedule and needs!
How We Can Help (and we really can!)

Experience monthly accountability check-ins/crafting sessions with your LAF Tech coaches either from your home on Zoom, or face-2-face at our Mill Creek Studio in Mill Creek, WA.
You get 3 hours of our support and engagement coaching for the price of one. We want to do this because you’re worth it, and we know that this will be popular. Opening up our availability and having more time for you when you need our help means you’re in control. You’ll have practically full-access to our knowledge base and benefit from focused and private sessions where you’re the star.
We’ll work with you to create a consistent meeting length, date & time, or we can be fully-flexible based off your scheduling* needs. Most clients from previous offerings like working in 1 hour, or 90 minute sessions, but if that doesn’t work for you, we’ll determine what does!
Your LAF Tech Coaches will help you work on any, some, or all of the following:
• Public Speaking Challenges/Fears • Script-writing • Humor Infusion
• Accountability • Improvisational Exercises • Resiliency Training • Speech Copy-writing
• Role-playing • Body Confidence • Movement & Gestures • Voice Range/Impact
• Presentation Spot-checks • Stacking & Vision work
• Humor-based Methodologies • Video Coaching… and more!
* Calls or last minute Zoom meetings outside of normal scheduled times set up, per client, may not include both LAF Tech Engagement Specialists. We’ll do out best each time, but prior client commitments may result in only one Trainer being available for a consultation.
What’s this Going to Cost me?
*$500/per month.
• One Monthly Price.
• No contracts.
• No hidden fees or surprises.
NOT an Introductory rate.
Gain competence and confidence with LAF Tech and all we can offer!
* Normal hourly rate is billed at $295/per individual session..,
so this is a stupid-good price.
Click Below to Join!
Why offer these trainings as ZOOM call-ins or physical sessions onsite at your Studio?
That’s a really great question. We spent the entire thick of the pandemic working with clients all over the place through Zoom or at times, safely face-2-face. This allowed us to really see if the Humor Methodology that we train from translated well over computer screens. It sure did, and quite successfully we might add. From that experience, that no one wanted to be stuck in, we realized that we could continue in that format or face-2-face in order to allow options to access US better and easier for our clients. Plus, this offer allows us to be more flexible since many people even now can’t make it to events we have because their lives are so busy.
What can you help me with on these monthly call-ins or sessions onsite?
This is a really important question, and an even MORE important answer: Every client is and will be different. We have people that use us as their support and cheerleader when they’ve had a crummy day. Sometimes they just need to RANT/RAVE, then talk about what they’ve just expressed. Clients use us to clear their minds in the morning before they go face their work day. Many have large-scale projects that they know they’ll have to be on their A-game when addressing large audiences. Occasionally, people take an extremely personal route and have us coach them on how they’ll talk to a family member about something important. Everyone is different. Being a sounding-board alone can sometimes be all they need. Plus, as mentioned above the details, clients have access to our Six Methods of Humor™ trainings, improv techniques, and so. much more.
How you can you afford to offer this?
The better question to ask is really, how can we not? There are so many needs out there that people need. Connections, support, cheerleaders, confidents and more; and often it’s out of reach for many. Our LAF Craft sessions allow clients to experience OUR experience of a combined 35+ years of public speaking skills, humorous methodologies, and unique differences between us – that ideally, you’ll be more willing to refer us to others who need humor and resiliency strength-building in their worlds. Humor Heals, humor helps, and humor is also just a funny word if you say it 10 times fast.
Have questions before you jump onboard with our LAF craft program. let’s talk!
Please fill out your basic information and a short summation of your needs and we’ll jump onto a zoom or old-school call with you to answer any of your questions.